I was given a great magazine the other day called "Mary Jane's Farm." It is written by a lady who has lived on a farm outside of Moscow, Idaho her whole life. It is kind of a pricey magazine because she doesn't sell ad space to cover printing, editing, etc costs. It is a whimsical, fun and functional magazine talking about the old days, and modern ways of farming. I think it is really neat to read about people all over the US making a living on their plots of land. Even though we just moved to town, it makes me want to delve into the world of homesteading. I picture butter churning and soap making and gardening. I have dreamt up building a one of a kind building out of products harvested right off the land. It also gets me excited for spring, and summer (easy to forget about the humidity and bugs when it is 20 degrees out!) Ho hum, some day.
She also includes stories sent in from readers. One was about woman who learned how to sew on a treadle sewing machine. Her Grandma gave her the machine, and then when she could afford a new machine she sold the treadle and bought an automatic. Then several years later she was wishing she had the old machine. She found one in a newspaper and bought it, only to find out it was the same one she had sold years earlier! Which brings me to a question, Mom, do you still have your singer treadle machine? What would it take to make it work? I think it would be fun to come and visit and play around with the old sewing machine. Maybe make an apron!
In other news, it has been int he twenties for so long. Today when we were out at the farm the boys and I went down to the pond to throw rocks into it. When we got down there we couldn't make any of our rocks break the ice. I eventually had to see how strong the ice was for myself. I got about 3 feet from the bank, then the ice started making loud cracking noises, so I walked back. The boys were amazed, and I told them never to try that. Sheesh, I am so stupid to have done that in front of them. I don't know what I was thinking!
Only a few more days until Jon and Juddah's b-day, and through reading my sisters blogs I have learnt that is falls on Chinese New Years! I think I will try to do something related for Juddah's cake. Jon gets a German chocolate. Mmm, Birthday cake!