It is so easy to put Zion down for a nap these days. A few minutes of singing and rocking, and I can lay him in his crib and walk out of his room. Juddah has grown out of naps. Instead he enjoys a rest with a movie of his choice. Honestly I am so glad Juddah doesn't need a nap anymore. I made many mistakes with naptime for Juddah, and he required me to lay down with him in order for him to lay down and nap. When Zion was born I vowed not to make the same mistake and I am so grateful, so very very grateful to lay Zion down and have some mid-day "me" time. I can get so much done during these two hours. I can get the laundry done, take out the garbage and recycling, clean up the bathroom, make beds, check out blogs and email, and even watch some TV. It is muy fun. I don't know why I felt like with Juddah I couldn't just lay him down and let him learn how to fall asleep on his own.
Sweet delicious nap time. I'd say it is better than chocolate or ice cream, any day. But If I can have chocolate or ice cream during nap time, now that is heaven.