Sorry Mom, I love onions! I grew up, never trying onions, but taking my moms word, that they were a flavor and food less than desirable. When I did finally try foods containing onions, I actually enjoyed them. My love of onions has only grown. They are included in just about everything I make. And being that I not a very creative culinary artist, chopping onions and adding them to dishes always makes me feel like a real grown up cook. Shoot, I should host my own Food Network show!
Onion Facts:The best way to keep onions from sprouting is to put them in a paper sack in your fridge. Tried and true, it has kept my onions fresh for months!
The word "onion comes from the Latin word "unio" meaning single. Because unlike its cousin, garlic, an onion plant produces only one single bulb.
Onions contain high levels of Vitamin C, chromium, numerous flavinoids, and quercitin.
Onions help maintain healthy bones.
Onions contain Allium, a sulfur containg element, and that is why it has such a strong pungent smell.
Sweet onions, like the walla walla, or the vidalia, don't make your eyes water, only hot onions make you cry!

The facts go on and on about how wonderful onions are, but the real reason I am writing about onions today is because while grocery shopping I saw a bag of these, Walla Walla Sweets! When we lived in Oregon, my Dad would bring home boxes of these onions from farmers he knew. I can remember him trying to get them slipped into foods, but no one was very excited. I remember turning up my nose, and thinking "who cares what kind of Onions they are, I still don't like them!" I also remember my niece Hannah setting up a wheel barrow and sign on the corner, and selling onions all summer. I think she sold every onion my dad brought home, which was a good thing, other wise they would have gone to waste.
I am trying to make up for my lost onion eating time! Sorry Dad that I never took your word, and just tried an onion before the age of 19! But you were right, Walla Walla Sweet Onions are amazing, and I know this bag won't last us long!