Mom and Dad. Aren't they so cute?!?
"Tag Your it" Juddah and Peter playing "whoooo whooo" tag. I don't know exactly what "whoo whoo" means, but when you are the "whoo whooo" everyone runs away from you as fast as they can!
Auntie Ernie and Grampy
All the cousins, and Grammy and Grampy
Our Trip to Hood River was so amazing. The drive there and back were so easy too, which makes everything that much better! It is crazy how much that town has grown, and changed. It is still beautiful, it is just different. I had a great time seeing Rose and Jewelie. It was so fun to have a "girls Night out." It has been years!
Saturday We spent the whole day with family. The cousins all had a great time running after each other too. My parents were a pure joy to be with. Erin, mom and I spent time shopping in Downtown (might I mention, without the boys!!) We enjoyed Dairy Queens indoor playground (mmm and ice cream,) and just being with everyone was so much fun.
For me this weekend was such a treat. I was able to spend time with friends and family. The boys had a great time with Grammy and Grampy. They love Auntie Ernie, and all the cousins. It was hard to say goodbye. But, it has been nice to get back to the routine. Vacations are so fun, but there is no place like home.