Zion by our new tree. One day we were playing at the park, and while we were eating our lunch, I noticed this small tree laying on the ground. The leaves were beginning to shrivel. I looked around for some evidence that someone was getting ready to plant it. There were no holes, and no other trees that had been recently planted. So the boys and I power walked home, got the car, and zipped back to rescue the little tree. It is doing so good. The original leaves are starting to fall, but new little ones are starting to grow!
Brain freeze!
The boys enjoying ice cream on a hot day. Mmm delicious ice cream. My new favorite is "Carmel Cone" by Hagen Daas. I wish I had never tried it, because it is truly sublime and very addicting!
My peas growing on their new trellis. I made it out of string. Since I have trained them to grow on the strings, they have been growing so fast.
Zion Gardening! Whoops, where are his pants? He has been very interested in potty training lately, so I was letting him go bottomless. No luck, back in diapers. One day, I will be free from my diaper genie, free I tell you!